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Temporary Crown or Bridge Post-Operative Instructions

These are Temporary, they are designed to come out and we will put it in until the permanent crown comes in.

Chewing and Eating

Now that we have placed a temporary crown/ bridge, it is important to follow these recommendations to ensure the success of your final restoration.

If we used an anesthetic during the procedure, avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.

Avoid chewing for at least one half-hour to allow the temporary cement to set. To keep your temporary crown/ bridge in place, avoid eating hard or sticky foods, especially chewing gum. If possible, chew only on the opposite side of your mouth.

Brushing and flossing

Brush normally, but floss very carefully. To keep the temporary in place, remove floss by pulling it forward and away from you, instead of sliding it between the teeth. We may recommend special floss, brushes, or other cleaning aids to keep the area free of plaque and bacteria.

If your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or pressure, use desensitizing toothpaste. If sensitivity increases or persists beyond a few days, call us.

Rinse with salt and warm water to reduce any discomfort or swelling, rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water. Use about one teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. It is normal for your gums to be sore for several days.

When to call us

Call us if your temporary crown/bridge comes off. Save the temporary, so it can be re-cemented. It is very important for the proper fit of your final crown/ bridge that your temporary stay in place.

Call our office if your bite feels uneven, you have sensitivity or discomfort that increases or continues beyond three or four days, or if you have any questions or concerns.

Cómo masticar y consumir alimentos

Si le administramos anestesia durante el procedimiento, no mastique hasta que haya desaparecido completamente el entumecimiento.

Trate de no masticar al menos por media hora para permitir que se asiente el cemento temporario.

Para mantener su corona provisional en su lugar, no consuma alimentos duros o pegajosos, en especial goma de mascar. De ser posible, mastique sólo sobre el lado opuesto de su boca.

Cómo cepillarse los dientes y utilizar el hilo o seda dental

Cepille normalmente sus dientes, pero utilice cuidadosamente el hilo dental. Retire el hilo o seda dental por los costados para no remover la corona provisional. En algunos casos, es posible que le recomendamos que evite utilizar el hilo o seda dental en el área que rodea a la corona provisional.

Si sus dientes son sensibles al calor, frío o presión, utilice un dentífrico desensibilizador. Llámenos si la sensibilidad continúa durante más de dos días. 

Cuándo debe llamar a nuestro consultorio

Llámenos si se desprende su corona provisional. Guárdela para que podamos volver a colocarla. Es muy importante que su corona provisional quede en su lugar para el ajuste adecuado de su corona final.

Llame a nuestro consultorio si su mordida se siente dispareja, tiene sensibilidad o molestia que aumenta o continúa después de los tres o cuatro días, o en el caso de que tenga alguna pregunta o duda.

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